Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Match roll

dice one dice two
Dice Game: Match roll

1) This game is played with 2 players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The lowest roll goes first. A 2 is the lowest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
4) Note that the lowest roll goes first in this game and is player 1.
5) Player 1 rolls the dice, player 2 has to match the roll. (E.g., you roll a 6, player 2 has to roll a 6.)
6) If player 2 matches the roll they win. If they don't match the roll, player 1 rolls and tries to match the roll that player 2 just rolled.
7) The first player to match the other players roll wins.

Roll twenty times

dice six dice one
Dice Game: Roll twenty times

1) This game is played with 1 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) Each player rolls the dice twenty times and adds up their score after twenty rolls.
5) The highest score you can get is 240.
6) Then the next player goes and tries to beat the score. If players end up with the same score, each player rolls the dice until tie is broken to see who wins.
7) If you play the game by yourself, see how high of a score you can get after twenty rolls.

Similar Games - Roll ten times is played by rolling ten times instead of twenty.

Roll ten times

dice five dice one
Dice Game: Roll ten times

1) This game is played with 1 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) Each player rolls the dice ten times and adds up their score after ten rolls.
5) The highest score you can get is 120.
6) Then the next player goes and tries to beat the score. If players end up with the same score, each player rolls the dice until tie is broken to see who wins.
7) If you play the game by yourself, see how high of a score you can get after ten rolls.

Similar Games - Roll twenty times is played by rolling twenty times instead of ten.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dice race 3

road race 3
Dice Game: Dice race 3

1) This game is played with 2 players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
4) Both players put a die, coin, or other piece in the start box. The first player rolls and moves his piece the number on the die and follows any instructions in the square. Then the next player rolls and moves his piece. Two players can land in the same square at a time.
5) The goal is to land in the finish line box before the other player. You need the exact number to land in the finish line box. If you are one square away from it, and roll a 3, you don't move. You have to wait until you roll a 1.
6) The first player to land in the finish line box wins.
7) Note that the quickest you can win the race is in three moves. One way is by rolling a 4, then 6, then 4.
8) You can print out the race track by first clicking on the image to make it bigger.
9) The total length of the race is 14 squares.

Similar Games - Other dice races are 1 and 2.

Dice race 2

road race 2

Dice Game: Dice race 2

1) This game is played with 2 players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
4) Both players put a die, coin, or other piece in the start box. The first player rolls and moves his piece the number on the die and follows any instructions in the square. Then the next player rolls and moves his piece. Two players can land in the same square at a time.
5) The goal is to land in the finish line box before the other player. You need the exact number to land in the finish line box. If you are one square away from it, and roll a 3, you don't move. You have to wait until you roll a 1.
6) The first player to land in the finish line box wins.
7) Note that the quickest you can win the race is in two moves. One way is by rolling a 6, then 3.
8) You can print out the race track by first clicking on the image to make it bigger.
9) The total length of the race is 9 squares.

Similar Games - Other dice races are 1 and 3.

Dice race 1

road race 1

Dice Game: Dice race 1

1) This game is played with 2 players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
4) Both players put a die, coin, or other piece in the start box. The first player rolls and moves his piece the number on the die and follows any instructions in the square. Then the next player rolls and moves his piece. Two players can land in the same square at a time.
5) The goal is to land in the finish line box before the other player. You need the exact number to land in the finish line box. If you are one square away from it, and roll a 3, you don't move. You have to wait until you roll a 1.
6) The first player to land in the finish line box wins.
7) Note that the quickest you can win the race is in three moves. One way is by rolling a 5, then 6, then 1.
8) You can print out the race track by first clicking on the image to make it bigger.
9) The total length of the race is 12 squares.

Similar Games - Other dice races are 2 and 3.

Roll higher

dice five dice one dice two dice five
Dice Game: Roll higher

1) This game is played with 2 players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
4) The first player rolls one die four times, adding up the total of all four rolls.
5) The next player has to roll four times also and get a higher total.
6) If they do not get a higher total they lose. If they get a higher total they win.
7) Note that if the first player rolls four 6's for a total of 24, player two has to roll four 6's to win, since you can't roll a 25.
8) The lowest you can roll on four rolls is a 4, the highest is a 24.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Five digit match

dice six dice one dice two dice four dice three

Dice Game: Five digit match

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll the number 61243 is the winner.
5) The number must be matched in order though. (E.g., you have to roll a 6 first, then a 1, then a 2, then a 4, then a 3.)
6) After each player rolls the die, the next player goes.

Variation - The game can be played with another five digit number. The number can be selected before the game starts.

Similar Games - The three dight match is played with a three digit number. The four digit match with a four digit number.

Six even numbers

dice two dice four
Dice Game: Six even numbers

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll an even number five times is the winner.
5) The even numbers you can roll are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. The total of both dice must be included, not just one of them.
6) If a player rolls and even number, they get to roll again. They keep on rolling the dice until they get an odd number.
7) If they roll an odd number, the other player then rolls.

Total 50

dice five
Dice Game: Total 50

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) After each roll of the dice, keep adding your total up until you hit 50 or over. The first player who reaches at least 50 wins the game.
5) If you roll a 10 on the first turn, and a 12 on the next, you have 22 points.
6) After each player rolls the dice, the next player goes.
7) Note that the fastest you can reach 50 is in five turns. You would have to roll 10 or above on each turn. Four rolls of a 12 is only 48 and would not be enough.

Variation - The game can be played until the first player reaches 100 or over.

Roll a ten

dice five dice five
Dice Game: Roll a ten

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll a 10 ten times is the winner.
5) After each player rolls the dice, the next player goes.
6) Note that a 10 can be rolled two ways. You can roll a 6 and 4 or a 5 and 5.

Birthday dice roll

dice one dice five
Dice Game: Birthday dice roll

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The goal is to match the day of the month your bithday is on. (E.g., if you were born on the 15th of a month, you have to roll a 1 and a 5.) A 1 must be rolled first, and then the 5.
5) If you birthday is on the 1st of a month, you have to roll a 1 twice, since your bithday is a single digit. If it is on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th of the month, you would have to roll a 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 4, or a 1 and 5. If it is other single digits of the month; like the 7th, 8th, or 9th, you would have to roll a 1 and 6. If your birthday ends in a 0; like 10, 20, or 30, use a 1 for the 0. If your birthday ends in a 7, 8, or 9; like 27, 28, 29, use a 6 for the 7, 8, and 9.
6) After each player rolls the die, the next player goes.
7) The first player to roll their birthday wins.

Four digit match

dice five dice three dice one dice six
Dice Game: Four digit match

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll the number 5316 is the winner.
5) The number must be matched in order though. (E.g., you have to roll a 5 first, then a 3, then a 1, then a 6.)
6) After each player rolls the die, the next player goes.

Variation - The game can be played with another four digit number. The number can be selected before the game starts.

Similar Games - The three dight match is played with a three digit number. The five digit match with a five digit number.

Three digit match

dice six dice two dice one
Dice Game: Three digit match

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with one die.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll the number 621 is the winner.
5) The number must be matched in order though. (E.g., you have to roll a 6 first, then a 2, then a 1.)
6) After each player rolls the die, the next player goes.

Variation - The game can be played with another three digit number. The number can be selected before the game starts.

Similar Games - The four dight match is played with a four digit number. The five digit match with a five digit number.

Lucky ones dice game

dice one
Dice Game: Lucky ones

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll a 1 ten times is the winner.
5) If a player rolls at least one 1, they get to roll again. They keep on rolling the dice as long as they get a 1.
6) If they do not roll a 1, the next player then rolls.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Five odd numbers

dice two dice five
Dice Game: Five odd numbers

1) This game is played with 2 - unlimited players.
2) It is played with two dice.
3) Each player rolls the dice to see who goes first. The highest roll goes first. A 12 is the highest roll. The rest of the order is decided by highest rolls. If a tie, those players roll again.
4) The first player to roll an odd number five times is the winner.
5) The odd numbers you can roll are 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. The total of both dice must be included, not just one of them.
6) If a player rolls and odd number, they get to roll again. They keep on rolling the dice until they get an even number.
7) If they roll an even number, the other player then rolls.